Strada Zona Industriale, 10 - 35020 Vigorovea - Sant'angelo di Piove di Sacc (PADOVA) (ITALY)
Scm Frigo was founded in 1979, initially manufacturing components for refrigeration and special refrigerating systems. In 1989 became aware of a market demand for ready to install products, the package for refrigeration. Consequently it designed the range of outdoor units. The basic concepts are vertical development, easy access to components, compressors in air flow and compactness. In 1995 Scm Frigo completed its current range of products, by designing and producing units for installation in machinery room. In 2004 has presented a renewed range of units, with substantial technical and construction improvements. Furthermore, its resolute will to achieve top quality drove us to obtain successfully ISO 9000:2001 certification.
Components for refrigeration and special refrigerating systems
Package for refrigeration, outdoor units
ISO 9000:2001