Via Partigiani d'Italia 6 - 43029 Traversetolo (PARMA) (ITALY)
The slaughering and meat processing plants are a fundamental link of the agrofood chain.
GR SYSTEM has acquired a significant experience which enables it to design and implement slaughterhouses with different typologies and outputs, design and construct refrigerating rooms and cutting rooms for different kind of animals, going from the plant of medium size to the industrial complex.
- Cattle/Horse
- Pig
- Sheep/Ostrich
- Internal Conveying
GR SYSTEM has acquired a significant experience which enables it to design and implement slaughterhouses with different typologies and outputs, design and construct refrigerating rooms and cutting rooms for different kind of animals, going from the plant of medium size to the industrial complex.
- Cattle/Horse
- Pig
- Sheep/Ostrich
- Internal Conveying