Via Neruda, 27 - 51100 Pistoia (PISTOIA) (ITALY)
Just ended the last world conflict, Giulio Iozzelli started the builder activity of machines for the processing of meats, bringing immediately a renewal on the sector. During the years, the obtained experience and the gained successes, confirmed by the opinion of numerous and well-known costumers in Italy and world-wide, have always been a firm goad to go on research of the best rational solutions in the field of the up-to date industrial productive cycles. The unchanged aim is the care and artisan accuracy always present in the designing and building of Iozzelli machines, which have a main distinctive: the ?quality?, as they are in compliance with the main and up-to-date international hygienically and security rules. The company builds a wide range of models (over 50), able to satisfy small, medium and big food industries.
machines for the processing of meats