MCM s.r.l.
Via Toniolo, 16/A - 31030 PERO di Breda di Piave (TREVISO) (ITALY)
MCM SRL was created from the many years of experience of its founder and his best collaborators in various industrial divisions.
The first division the Company entered was the milling industry for feed production, with the manufacture of machinery and plants for small and medium enterprise.
The evolution of the market later encouraged MCM SRL to specialise in industrial suction plants, becoming within the space of a few years a state of the art Company in this division.
In recent years the problem of waste disposal and recycling has stimulated MCM SRL to enthusiastically approach the ecological division, dedicating themselves to the manufacture of plants for the selection of Solid Urban Waste and the production of Compost.
MCM SRL's recognised competence has led them to collaborate with the most important Italian and European firms for the realisation of technologically advanced plants in this delicate