An efficient, high quality production, price competitive Company for Pasta Factories, Milling and Feed Industries and for all the Industries working in the following fields: Confectionery, Dried Fruit, Coffee and Chemical/Plastics.
A new factory with up to date productive plants, with qualified personnel and very qualified technical staff to give to every customer the best project, the best manifacturing and the best assembling of the systems we produce.
A long and qualified experience in systems and single machines. The reference of a lot of Industries that buyed our complete systems to give an answer to their production exigences.
Techinical advice and technical assistance to study new systems, or to modify existing systems.
Our Production
# Complete systems for storing granular, or powdery product.
# Complete systems for storing short cut pasta.
# Complete plants for proportioning and for mixing.
# Complete plants for grinding, storing and proportioning pasta cutoffs.
# Pneumatic lines based on compression, or on suction technics.
# Mechanical conveyors: belt, chain and screw conveyors.
# Bucket elevators: vertical, inclined and double "Z" bucket elevators.
# Suction filter dust collectors.
# Control boards with P.L.C.
Complete systems for storing granular, or powdery product