Beccaria Srl - BAKERY
Via Sperino n°46 - 12030 Scarnafigi (CN) (ITALIA)
Beccaria srl was set up in 1951 as an individual company for the construction of machines for the agricultural and zootechnical sector.
High quality production from the very outset soon led to conversion of the company from a more artisan type structure to that of an industrial company with ever wider, more qualified business activities.
Today, Beccaria srl is a modern industrial firm with around 100 employees and a30.000 m² factory of which 12.000 covered.
The traditional production range, oriented mainly towards the agro-industrial sector, was extended some time ago to the plastics, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and building industries as well as a wide range of other production sector with market outlets in all the major countries inside and outsideEurope .
With its large mechanical and plant engineering office equipped with forefront CAD/CAM technology and its modern production structure, Beccaria srl is able to provides its customers with special equipment and plants in line with their specific requirements.
High quality production from the very outset soon led to conversion of the company from a more artisan type structure to that of an industrial company with ever wider, more qualified business activities.
Today, Beccaria srl is a modern industrial firm with around 100 employees and a
The traditional production range, oriented mainly towards the agro-industrial sector, was extended some time ago to the plastics, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and building industries as well as a wide range of other production sector with market outlets in all the major countries inside and outside
With its large mechanical and plant engineering office equipped with forefront CAD/CAM technology and its modern production structure, Beccaria srl is able to provides its customers with special equipment and plants in line with their specific requirements.
Silos and flour machines.
30.000 m² totaly 12.000 indoor.