Via Pasubio 49 - 36036 Torrebelvicino (VICENZA) (ITALY)
PFM Packaging Machinery is the parent company of the Group, and provides the administrative, technical and sales co-ordination for all its companies.
The Company, based in Torrebelvicino in the province of Vicenza, designs, manufactures and markets Flow Wrap and Form Fill Seal packaging machines and automatic systems.
The range of products comprises around 40 different models of Flow Wrap and Form Fill Seal machines, various automatic feeding systems, an infinite range of accessories for specific operations dedicated to customising machines or lines.
PFM manufacture machines for various sectors of the food industry, including cheese portions, meat, sweets and vegetables. Major sectors are baked goods and non foods, such as the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
The technical department, made up of highly skilled engineers and designers, every day develops applications which are acknowledged as being amongst the best in the world in terms of their level of innovation, customisation and performance.
The Area Manager's staff manages and co-ordinates a sales force which covers 70 countries all over the world.
The Customer Service department supplies spare parts and technical servicing in real time thanks to the large number of technicians and testers and innovative servicing instruments such as Teleservice they have available.
PFM Packaging Machinery is Vision 2000 certified.
flexible packaging machines, weighers
2 mechanical components for packaging machines
bakery, confectionery, preserving, meat, dairy and non food industries
65 million of euros for 2007
280 employees
UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 (Vision 2000)
UK, Germany, USA&Canada
on site & on line