Via Case Sparse, 14 (loc. Cascina Corte Nuova) - 28100 NOVARA (ITALY)
The firm was born in the 70’s thanks to Mr. Teresiano Facchinetti. He had already developed good skills in the mechanical sector, and so he decided to adapt them to the dairy one.
Today, Facchinetti srl can project and construct machines for every kind of cheese: creamy cheese (like mascarpone, gorgonzola and crescenza) and very hard cheese (like parmigiano reggiano and aged asiago).
According to costumer’s needs, the firm offers a great variety of machines: piercing machines, salting machines, portioning machines, layering plants for “mascarpone and gorgonzola”, brushing machines for round and square cheeses, heat sealing machines with or without vacuum and gas, wrapping machines.
All machines and plants are in compliance with the EC norms in force and they have an instructions book.
A staff of good technician is also organised to assure all costumers every kind of assistance until 48 hours everywhere in the world.
Today, Facchinetti srl can project and construct machines for every kind of cheese: creamy cheese (like mascarpone, gorgonzola and crescenza) and very hard cheese (like parmigiano reggiano and aged asiago).
According to costumer’s needs, the firm offers a great variety of machines: piercing machines, salting machines, portioning machines, layering plants for “mascarpone and gorgonzola”, brushing machines for round and square cheeses, heat sealing machines with or without vacuum and gas, wrapping machines.
All machines and plants are in compliance with the EC norms in force and they have an instructions book.
A staff of good technician is also organised to assure all costumers every kind of assistance until 48 hours everywhere in the world.
Machines for every kind of cheese
Dairy Industry