Parc d’activité BP 42 - 80420 Flixecourt (FRANCE)
Many changes have taken place between the founding of Saint-Frères and the birth of Spaciotempo in 1993. We remain true to our original values, nevertheless: enthusiasm for the industry and a taste for work well done. The 300,000 m2 of permanently rented buildings and 1,000 sites per year are daily confirmation of Spaciotempo as a dynamic, rigorous subsidiary of the GL events group.
Spaciotempo has become a major player in its markets thanks to its international approach combined with a strong desire to introduce and develop specific know-how. Whether destined for industrial use or events, our permanent and semi-permanent modular buildings are attracting more and more customers from the four corners of Europe.
Our vocation is simple - help you gain the space and volume you need. All our efforts are axed towards this objective to meet your expectations as best we can. For this need for space, even if only temporary, plays a decisive role in the correct operation and development of your business.
We undertake to offer you unfailing responsiveness to support you in adapting to the tempo of your market. With Spaciotempo, your partner for change, you are indeed well protected.
Not just a simple of promise of square metres but suggestions for industrial solutions meeting dynamic companies' need for flexibility. Storage, production, commercialisation or an isolated event, we always take the time to listen so as to suggest a complete support package. Using a national and