Via Italia, 2/A - 25080 Paitone (BRESCIA) (ITALY)
Bresciani Cover All is leading European designer and supplier of tension membrane structures. The unique experience acquired by Bresciani Cover All, in business since 1991, ensures performance to the very highest standards of quality. A pace-setter in matter of service and technology, Bresciani Cover All is a quality driven company and is UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2000 and SOA certified.
The constant commitment of Bresciani Cover All to innovation, research and development, is complemented by an unparalleledcare of customer support activities and a high standard quality control that applies to the entire production cycle: supported by “state of the art” resources that include information technologies and technical applications, a team of highly qualified engineers are employed in the Bresciani Cover All project and design department in order to match every tailor-made solution that customers would require.
The constant commitment of Bresciani Cover All to innovation, research and development, is complemented by an unparalleledcare of customer support activities and a high standard quality control that applies to the entire production cycle: supported by “state of the art” resources that include information technologies and technical applications, a team of highly qualified engineers are employed in the Bresciani Cover All project and design department in order to match every tailor-made solution that customers would require.
Tension membrane structures
UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2000 and SOA