Since 1991 Priamo Food Technologies has been producing systems for the milk and cheese processing sector, making its experience and aptitude for technological research a hallmark of its name in Italy and abroad. Over the years the firm has developed its own range of products, also turning to other sectors, such as beer brewing, beverages, and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. A further development came in 2010 with the production of mini-dairies, manufactured thanks to the company’s vast experience in the design of large-scale systems. In 2011, to further drive its technological growth and expand its commercial network abroad, Priamo joined the Della Toffola Group, already a world leader in the production of systems for the wine-making, beverages, water treatment and chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.
For the dairy sector, Priamo is able to produce all the necessary components for a complete plant, starting from the reception and storage groups, passing through the pasteurizers and homogenizers, up to the trolley-mounted cip plants and the mould washers. The same applies to beer and beverage, with pasteurizers, cips, premixes, saturators, salt syrups and other processing plants.
Priamo can now deliver a complete service that goes from the initial feasibility study to the design and development of the building works needed, right up to the completion of whole plants, large and small. Modern, reliable and practical: these are the features that sum up Priamo Food Technologies today.
For Priamo “quality” isn’t just a word, but a goal to achieve on a daily basis.
The attention paid to even the tiniest detail makes the firm severe with its suppliers and with itself, always striving to obtain excellent raw materials and components, as well as projects and manufactured items that can assure peak levels of performance and reliability. To be sure of the results, Priamo implements a STEP by STEP method, testing every single component and processing phase in the course of its production cycle.
Electronics and mechanics, materials and production cycles, the ability to listen and to provide a prompt response all contribute to ensuring a high quality standard that fully satisfies not only its customers, but also all those working at Priamo to keep it successful.
At Priamo Food Technologies quality affects every aspect of the firm’s activities, and its certification under ISO 9001 is proof in itself of the company’s commitment to quality.
Priamo serves a demanding clientele, those who seek a high-tech product, a broad range of services, and a speedy and flexible response.
Customer care, mechanical and software support, and scheduled maintenance, on request and in emergencies.