Scanny3D S.r.l. is a highly specialized company that deals with the design and production of reverse engineering systems, in particular 3D laser SCANNER, and the development of CAD-CAM software for the industry.
For the bottling sector, the company offers a complete, fast and automatic solution that involves the integration of a 3D rotative laser scanner with a software for the design of stars and screws.
PACK-SIM has been designed and developed entirely by Scanny3d for the design and fast and automatic simulation of SCREWS and COUNTER SCREWS, but also for the realization of STARS profiles to be included in machines of filling, labelling and packaging lines.
It consists of several modules. The Star simulation module is able to simulate up to 3 grip quotes at the same time and guarantees the full compatibility of the generated geometries (exportable in STEP and IGES formats) with the main CAD system. The Screw module allows to design and simulate screws and counter screws with various types of handling. The Multistar module allows to simulate the entire bottling line in all its main phases.
Furthermore, the software allows the design of SCREWS of any type by defining CUSTOMIZED MOTION LAWS in terms of speed, rotation and position of the bottle during the handling. This module allows to design any type of screws in 3D: from simple transport screws, to rotation, inversion and orientation screws up to the more complex screws with double or triple helix to group or separate bottles and containers through the simultaneous simulation of pairs of counter rotating screws (screw and counter screws).
The 3D simulation is performed in a few minutes and allows to obtain a 3D model of the screw with a perfectly smooth surface ready to be made.