M.M.T. Srl
Via degli Artigiani, 56 - 26010 Capralba (CREMONA) (ITALY)
Since over 20 years, M.M.T. srl designs and produces level switches and probes that control the level of conductive liquids, insulating materials, powders, and microwave moisture measurement units for solids.
For level measurements, a wide selection of probes is available for applications like high pressure and high temperature boilers, or food and chemical industry.
Level switches feature sensitivity regulation, time delay setting, or IP55 enclosure.
The level can be measured in on/off way, or in a continuous way.
The moisture units are equipments working in industrial processes, making the water content determination in continuous way, on-line and in real-time.
They are based on proprietary technology, with different sensors, according to the material to be controlled, and its moisture range.
level switches