Tsumagoi Meisui Co

There, where the sun rises there is a world to be discovered and experienced
In Japan, a country rich with scenic and natural beauty, the company Tsumagoi Meisui Co. Ltd bottles the pure spring water that flows in an area dominated by the mount Asama, the most active volcano in Japan.

The Japanese company has recently turned to SMI to install an EBS 3 K ERGON stretch-blow moulder for producing PET bottles for mineral water under the Tsumagoi and Oku-Kraizawa brands.

Cutting-edge technology to be more competitive and efficient

In Japan the strong growth of the bottled water has made it necessary for Tsumagoi Meisui to expand.

Thanks to the new rotary stretch-blow moulder from EBS K ERGON range, equipped with the latest technologies in the sector, the Japanese company has been able to increase the storage capacity, reduce the delivery time and face the growing demand, optimizing the production efficiency and the plant energy saving.

Staying ahead of the competition through innovative solutions

The competition between companies in the mineral water sector has increasingly evolved around the price of the product, and, to maintain or increase the share of the market, bottling companies need to install innovative solutions to reduce production, running and distribution costs. After a careful analysis of the characteristics and the performances of bottles in PET that were used, Tsumagoi Meisui decided to manufacture new containers in order to optimize the combination between the volume of the bottle blown and the number of bottles contained in a cardboard case.

The new 0.32 L and 0.5 L square based bottles in PET and 0.41 L and 0.5 L cylindrical bottles manufactured by the EBS K ERGON rotary stretch-blow moulder supplied by SMI are the best solution to reduce storage and distribution costs.

The advantages of SMI solution

For bottling natural mineral water in PET containers, Tsumagoi uses a rotary stretch-blow moulder from EBS K ERGON range, with a production capacity up to 6,000 bottles/hour, that stands out for the following advantages:

stretch-blow moulding system based on a high efficiency rotary technology, equipped with motorized stretch rods for a precise management of the stretch rod cycle and a significant energy saving;
ultra-compact plant: the preform heating section is integrated with the stretch-blow moulding section in a single module;
reduced energy consumption, thanks to the preform heating module equipped with high efficiency IR lamps and to the stretch-blow moulding module equipped with a double stage HP air recovery system;
• ergonomic structure that ensures an easy maintenance and a high safety level;
high performance low dead volume valves, that reduce pre-blowing and blowing times, therefore improving efficiency and quality of the bottles;
easy and fast format changeover, thanks to MotorNet System® automation and control system that ensures constant maintenance of the optimum processing parameters and the direct modification of the machine settings.

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