Cibus Tec Forum 2022 will take place at the Fiere di Parma on the 25th and 26th of October, with five sponsors (Baumer, Cama, Clevertech, Tosa, and Zacmi), and with a format that includes a rich program of events focused on the topics of innovative materials for the circular economy, globalisation and the ecological transition, food safety and digitalization, and sustainability in transformation and packaging technologies. An exceptional network that’s entirely Made in Italy
Six companies, working together in a virtual and virtuous network, whose goal is to get the entire food & beverage packaging industry – from the primary to the tertiary sectors – involved; an industry that today is increasingly orienting itself towards the new horizons of Industry 4.0.
This is how the Smart Packaging Hub was born, inspired by a complicated moment in recent history, during which time it was nearly impossible to meet physically with clients and suppliers. Since then, with the return of industry trade shows, its physiognomy has evolved and transformed thanks to new partnerships.
Among these, the most important is the one with Cibus Tec Forum 2022, conceived by Fiere di Parma and Koelnmesse and scheduled to take place on the 25th and 26th of October.
The trade show will be characterized by more than just the classic pavilions and an exhibition area for companies, both large and small (because high quality Italian food subsists on innovation and discovery, biotechnology, research centres, and food and beverage incubators and innovators), as Exhibition Director Fabio Bettio points out: “There will also be demonstration areas and areas dedicated to innovation, with 25 conferences, 4 of which international, and a special space for the tomato product sector.
The two-day event will have an innovative format and provide an overview of the current technological innovations and most influential trends emerging in the food processing & packaging industry, which will have an impact on our future habits. We have ambitious objectives and a partner like Smart Packaging Hub can make all the difference.”
For the occasion, Baumer, Cama, Clevertech, Tosa, and Zacmi, the five companies which, together, make up the Smart Packaging Hub, will implement a complete system that’s capable of responding to increasingly stringent consumer demands, as explains Luca Carollo, business development manager for Clevertech and keynote speaker at the digitalization conference:
“We’re on the lookout for the packaging trends of the future. We envision a type of packaging that’s sustainable without demonizing plastic, which takes into account the carbon footprint of recycling and the push for metallic materials, with interesting cases as well, like the aluminium cans used in the United States for wine.
In Italy it’s difficult for us to understand, but for the young American target customer these seem to be the ideal solution, claiming 10% of the market. Sometimes it doesn’t take much at all to become a bit more sustainable: for example, one of our Norwegian clients saved 4 tons of plastic in one year, just by changing its end-of-line.”
And while it’s true that the 200 exhibitors at Cibus Tech Forum come from all over Europe, North Africa, and the Balkans, as well as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, it’s also true that when it comes to food, Italy blows the rest out of the water.
As Enrico Pucci, project manager of The Kraft Heinz Company, tells us: “Over the past seven years, our facility in Latina has made considerable investments, in the order of €40 million, in machinery and production lines, with a special focus on the future.
The site, of the historic Plasmon brand, transitioned from two production lines for cookies, to just one, with enormous benefits from multiple points of view, while the energy consumption for the production of baby food was drastically curtailed. A focus on innovation is essential, but it’s not the only aspect that makes a difference. In our case, our product has the added value of being 100% Made in Italy, because the machinery and technology, and not just the raw materials, come from our country.”
This topic will be explored by Pucci during one of the four Cibus Tec Forum conferences, in particular the one dedicated to innovative materials for the circular economy.
Meanwhile, the experience of Mulino Marino’s Piedmont-based company that has produced certified organic flours since 1956, is set within an exquisitely traditional context. The company boasts a history in which innovation and tradition come together seamlessly and which will be presented at the conference dedicated to globalization and the ecological transition.
“Thanks to Tosa’s guidance,” explains the third-generation owner and keynote speaker Fausto Marino, “we’ve been able to innovate while remaining true to our identity. We have a strong relationship with farmers throughout Italy, because we want to guarantee biodiversity and attempt to “ruin” as little as possible the products of our country.
We slow process rye, spelt, and enkir, an ancient grain, using a 70kg photovoltaic system and IE3 motors. We try to adhere to the logic of circular economy, which includes the reuse of bran by-products, and, since 1956, have ground our flours with natural stone mills (today we have 10), whose roughness is created by hand with a hammer.
The care that we take with our products also extends to their ‘clothing’, with packaging that represents who we are.” A company founded on tradition, with a particular focus on sustainability. “In our opinion,” concludes entrepreneur Federico Marino, “our company is a shining example of how technology and tradition are able to represent a winning combination.”
The fourth international conference, on trends and food safety, will involve a discussion between European institutions, the General Directorate for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), and the Food and Drug Administration. The conference is also awaiting official confirmation of the European Food Safety Authority’s participation.
The case of Policom, a Calabria based pastry company established in the 1980s, will represent dedication to safety, as illustrated by Giovanni Motta, sales director of the Zacmi supplier: “The company is specialized in the production of nut-based spreads and rice, almond, and oat beverages in aseptic conditions. They offer kosher and halal products as well.
Monitoring is extremely tight, as is its focus on the environment: toasting is done with infrared light, the plastic used is recyclable, and the company is equipped with a photovoltaic system and a water collection system which is aimed at getting through the summer dry period. The company provides a successful case history which will illustrate its strengths during the conference.”
Baumer, Cama, Clevertech, Tosa, and Zacmi will provide the framework of the event: together they have more than 1000 employees and more than €300 million in turnover, 95% of which abroad, and are the primary exporters worldwide.
100% Made in Italy: proof of the enormous innovative, technological, and creative skill of these Italian companies, which, when they create a network, are capable of exceptional results.