Tecno Pack & Sap Erp




tecno pack01The Tecno Pack group is pleased to announce that from January 2014 the company has started the migration of the historical software systems internally developed to the new integrated management system SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for the management and organization of business processes.

We have always looked for innovative and technological solutions and we found in SAP the perfect system to meet our organizational and productive needs, for a better management of customers, staff and activities.

The project was born from a collaboration with Derga Consulting, a leading company in the sector, the new integrated management system is the precursor of a series of technological innovations that the Tecno Pack group will implement till the end of 2014, optimizing business processes.

The introduction of this new management system will enable us not only to improve the business activities but also to optimize the production systems to reduce waste, increase revenues and simplify and strengthen relationships with customers, partners and suppliers.

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