LANEX Packaging – a reliable partner for the food industry


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LANEX Packaging – a reliable partner for the food industry

As a specialist with personal approach, we can boast of many innovations in our product groups which have arisen from requirements of our customers as well as in-house invention, development and improvements.

Food industry

One of the industrial branches that we provide with our products is the food industry. We react to the needs of this industry by taking special measures as continual improvement of the level of cleanliness and hygiene in the production shops, increase of qualification and training of employees, new certifications, but also thorough continuous inspection of all production processes in terms of maximum prevention of contamination of our products. No less important activity is the careful and consistent selection of suppliers of input materials for our production.

In order to maintain cleanliness of production shops, we work in conformity with standards that are known in the world as the 5S system. As to the minimization of the risk of product contamination, we follow internal methodical instructions that are in conformity with HACCP standards, both in the field of personnel (hygienic clothing, catering, personal hygiene, training of employees) and in the field of identification and control of the so-called critical points. The aspects of the internal arrangement of the plant have also been solved – as, for instance, a closed circuit of personnel migration within the production plant, the so-called Hygienic Loop.

Lanex Packaging is equipped with an accredited in-house test shop where it is possible to perform all tests of mechanical properties of input materials. Audits of suppliers, performed regularly according to defined criteria, are a matter of course. All components of the bags are made of “virgin” polypropylene or polyethylene.

Our standard is a specific inspection of every single bag intended to be used with foodstuffs. This inspection includes not only a thorough examination of the bag on an illuminated table but also an inspection with metal detector.

Thanks to the measures already taken, Lanex Packaging holds a Certificate of Sanitary Safety for its products which already includes requirements of the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011.

In our effort to meet the requirements of the market as much as possible, we are continuously improving our work. One of the intensively pursued objectives taken for this year is the certification according to EN 15593 (Production of Packaging for Foodstuffs) the realization of which is expected in the second half of 2012.

Our efforts get back to us in form of successful audits by many customers who express their utmost satisfaction with the results of their audits. Lanex Packaging can be found in lists of approved suppliers of many leading food-processing companies.

Quality assurance

We realize that assurance of constant quality of production is a top priority matter, so we pay maximum attention to this question. In addition to the ISO 9001 certificate which we consider to be the lowest possible level for manufacturers of packagings not only for foodstuffs, Lanex Packaging has taken, by means of internal rules, additional measures leading to achievement of the best results in this field. In addition to the three-level inspection of quality of production, Lanex Packaging has applied the system of the so-called full traceability. It means that it is possible to trace back to every single material that had been used for production of any particular bag by means of the SAP system. It is possible also to find all persons who had been involved in the production of that bag. This way of individual responsibility for work is an important and effective tool in the quality assurance process.

Manufacturing programme

Lanex Packaging is able to meet the requirements even of the most demanding customers. In addition to standard bags made of polypropylene and LDPE liners, we can offer also inner liners with barrier properties. These are liners with EVOH, polyamide or aluminium layer which lends barrier properties as moisture, oxygen and gas proofness to the bag. These multifunctional barrier properties of the sheets are achieved by co-extrusion of combinations of special polymers used in the sheets. Thanks to them, the sheets are resistant, do not let oxygen, gas and moisture through, and have good mechanical properties: strength, flexibility, formability. The sheets are carefully selected, purchased, formed and designed for our products by us. Bags with such sewn-in, inserted or glued-in liners are suitable for packaging of products with requirement for resistance to the environment, especially packaging of food additives and feed, or hygroscopic granulates and other chemical products.

LANEX Packaging with its team is ready to supplement the range of flexible containers offered by it with additional products that will be manufactured in conformity with requirements that need specialized approach, invention and involvement and thanks to which the company remains an important player in the industry of technical textiles.

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