On-going innovation, exacting experimentation of special materials and strict quality controls allow FBF Italia to guarantee maximum performance, durability, reliability and safety.
FBF Italia has designed and manufactured since 1987, high pressure homogenizers, positive displacement pumps, laboratory homogenizers, dosing systems and, thanks to the wide experience gained in this field, is now a key point-of-reference for plants manufacturers, suppliers of turn-key equipment and end-users in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

On-going innovation, exacting experimentation of special materials, strict quality controls and endurance tests allow FBF Italia to guarantee maximum performance, durability, reliability and safety; its mission is to offer to all its customers not only excellent sale services but also continuous relationship with constant, direct post- sale technical assistance; the target is to keep friendly relationship built on mutual evolution and innovation.
FBF Italia’s machines are suitable to process a lot of products and can be inserted into complete process/ production, both in sanitary and aseptic design.
The main utilization fields of the company machineries are:
• dairy industries (milk, cream, cheese, yoghurt, caseinates, proteins, soya milk, etc.);
• ice-cream industries;
• food, processing, preserving and beverage industries (fruit juices, tomato sauces, oil, ketchup, eggs, vegetable greases, emulsions, concentrates, baby food, etc.);
• cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrol-chemical industries (starch, cellulose, wax, colorants, beauty creams, tooth paste, detergents, disinfectants, emulsions, inks, latex, lotions, emulsifiers oils, pigments, proteins, resins, vitamins, etc.).
But what about the homogenizing principle? In order to permanently mix one or more substances in a liquid, a homogenizer must be used in such a way as to make it possible to micronize and disperse the suspended particles in the fluid, rendering it highly stable even during successive treatments and storage.
The product reaches the homogenizing valve at a low speed and at high pressure. As it passes through the valve, it is subject to various forces that cause the micronization of the particles: violent acceleration followed by immediate deceleration causes cavitation with explosion of the globules, intense turbulence together with high-frequency vibrations, impact deriving from the laminar passage between the homogenizing valve surfaces and consequent collision with impact ring.
Homogenization can occur with the use of a single stage homogenizing valve (suitable for dispersion treatment), or double stage homogenizing valve (recommended for use with emulsions and for viscosity control when requested). FBF Italia’s range of machines can be commonly classified as follows:
• high pressure homogenizers:
The homogenizer is often necessary to mix one or more substances within a liquid. This machine allows micronizing and scattering the particles suspended in the fluid, so that the product becomes highly stable, no matter the followings treatments and storage the product may undergo.
The “Buffalo Series” homogenizers are manufactured according to the UE directives and are available with capacity ranging from 50 up to 50.000 litres/hour; according to the products to be processed, the requested pressure may vary up to 2.000 bars (29.000 psi).
• positive displacement pumps:
These pumps are used to transfer the products from a storage system or process one to a further part of the plant at a high pressure. These machines are commonly used for feeding of spray driers, tomato paste plants, osmosis plants, etc.
• laboratory homogenizers:
Manufactured to replicate the same homogenization conditions that can be expected in a real production process these machines offer the possibility to execute tests up to very high pressure (1500 bar) and do not need of any other device to work. Easy to use and to move, with the highest reliability, is the best choice for keeping the production always under control.
• positive displacement pumps for product containing particles:
These pumps are mainly used for product containing particles with a max. sizes of 15x15x15 mm such as tomato cubes, vegetable or fruit pieces. The construction of such a machine is much the same as the homogenizers, except for the compression head which is equipped with special pneumatically controlled valve groups.