Rimini, 21st November 2012 – The artisan gelato world is already in a state of ferment regarding the Gelato World Cup, which will be held at SIGEP in January 2014, organized by Rimini Fiera in collaboration with the Gelato e Cultura association and Co.gel-Fipe.
The year leading up to the finals will be used to hold the heats aimed at picking out the best artisan gelato makers by means of competitions foreseen in various countries.
The first two official heats, already set and valid for classification for the World Gelato Cup 2014, are scheduled in Poland, in February 2013, and Argentina, in June 2013.
However, other countries in all five continents have already applied to hold heats for their gelato professionals. This fact shows how there is great professional desire in the sector to take part in the World Gelato Cup, since the event in the context of SIGEP is a great international showcase, as well as an important opportunity for exchanging knowledge and innovations.
In Poland, the competition is scheduled in the context of ´Targi Cukiernicze i Lodziarski Expo Sweet 2013´, the trade fair dedicated to gelato that will be held from February 19th to 21st 2013 in Warsaw.
On that occasion, the professionals will be selected to form the Polish team at the world finals, due to be held at SIGEP 2014.
The panel of judges will also include an Italian representative, Sergio Dondoli, a great master of artisan confectionery, whose gelato parlour in San Gimignano is the only one to be mentioned in the Lonely Planet guide.
For the whole of South America, SIGEP and the Gelato World Cup chose ´Coppa del Mondo del Gelato Latinoamericana´ as the event at which the heat will be held for the world finals.
The event is organized by Publitec and AsociaciiÃn Fabricantes Artesanales de Helados y Afines (the Latin-American association of producers of artisan gelato and related products) and is held at the FITHEP – Expoalimentaria Mercosur trade fair, from June 10th to 14th 2013 in Buenos Aires.
The Regulations establish that three teams will be able to qualify: the winning team, the team from Argentina (as it is the host country) and a third team, which will be assigned the special SIGEP award.
The South American event is an integral part of a precise strategy by SIGEP aimed at strengthening the presence and diffusion of artisan gelato in the American continent and particularly at favouring, promoting and developing a market for the sector´s Italian companies in areas of particular interest, such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
All the heats being held in the various countries will be disciplined by the regulations of the Italian heat (SIGEP Gelato D´Oro, being held at Rimini Fiera in January 2013, on the occasion of the 34th edition of the expo), which foresees, among other things, that competing teams will be formed by a gelato maker, a pastry chef, a chef and an ice sculptor. The panel of judges must also include an Italian representative from the organizing committee of the Gelato World Cup.