
Santoemma is an Italian Company, distributed in more than 70 countries, that since 1980 has been producing professional cleaning machines and systems. Santoemma products provide optimal and innovative solutions in diverse application fields.

FRV FOOD 70 is an innovative patented machine which provides a new system for a complete cleaning and sanitising in food processing areas, such as: supermarkets, food factories, industrial kitchens.
The cleaning process is carried out through four stages:
1. Spraying of dense foam on all the surfaces
2. Foam chemical action
3. Rinsing with clean water, at a controlled pressure
4. Vacuuming of residual water and dirt from floor.
Dense foam allows to optimize the chemical’s cleaning and sanitizing action.
By vacuuming the residual liquid from floor, the environments are left completely dry after cleaning operations.

Areas where FRV FOOD 70 can be used:
FRV FOOD 70 is indicated for a complete cleaning and sanitizing of all the surfaces, including walls, refrigerator cells, work-tables, machinery and transport trolleys in food processing areas, such as: Supermarkets, in food preparation areas (fish and meat processing) and storage areas (refrigerator cells). Medium-sized factories producing and packaging food (meat, salami, fish, milk/cheese, vegetables), butcheries, dairy factories. Big manufacturing plants, to clean machinery, tooling and transport trolleys Caterings and industrial kitchens, to clean rooms and food preparation areas. Cleanrooms in food packaging factories and pharmaceutical factories.

Advantages of FRV FOOD 70:
1. Better cleaning and sanitising result: dense foam does not immediately fall onto the floor, but stays on the surfaces where it has been sprayed for some minutes. The foam prolonged action assures to make the most of the cleaning effect of the product, ensuring both cleaning and sanitising effect.
2. Visual effect of foam: foam covers in white all the surfaces where it is sprayed such as walls, sinks, fixtures. The operator can therefore check that every corner has been covered, thus allowing a complete action in every point.
3. Complete sanitizing action: Laboratory tests certify that using the machine in combination with specific chemicals, it is possible to kill 99,9% of bacteria.
4. Rinsing at a controlled pressure avoids that any particle is jumping on other surfaces and prevents the creation of a haze of water vapours, which would keep in suspension the micro-organisms for several minutes. These micro-organisms would fall again on the surfaces after rinsing, affecting the efficacy of the bactericide action.
5. Saving of time: while foam acts on the surfaces where it has already been sprayed, the operator is free to operate on other surfaces. Therefore, even a big room can be completely foamed in a short time and there is no idle time.
6. Detergent saving: the chemical is used without waste because it does not immediately fall onto the floor.
7. Reduced power consumption: the machine requires little electrical power and therefore it can be used in any place.

Other advantages of FRV FOOD 70 Filling the fresh water tank is easy, connecting the machine directly to the water network. When completed, filling is stopped by a floater, located in the water tank It is possible to leave the machine connected to the water network, for foaming and rinsing with unlimited autonomy. The discharge of dirty water is carried out easily thanks to a sufficiently long hose. The control/regulation panel is handy and the controls are simple and intuitive. The tank containing pure detergent is placed in a special compartment and the detergent is automatically sucked by the machine at the correct concentration. All accessories for cleaning and finishing are placed on the machine, so they can be easily used and carried.

Info: Tel. +39.02.3391 2487 Fax +39.02.3391 2538 1011 – E-mail:

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